Wednesday, April 14, 2010

To Do List:

-Chemistry packet
-Math HW
-English Essay
-Study for AP US essay and M.C.
-Study for chinese (interview) friday
-final draft of enlgish
-study for SATs.

-study for freaking AP classes and regents

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amazing Reads.

As I've said in the first post, I LOVE books. Some amazing reads, and I have to bring these two up. These two books are by Barry Lyga: "The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl" and "Goth Girl Rising", in the first one, it's about a geeky type of teen boy who's a junior at South Brook High school and he's really into comics and graphic novels. He's an outcast, a nobody, he only has this one friend but he's a jock and with the IN-crowd and he secretly has an obsession with comics too. So they share this love for comics and that's how they're friends and stuff. Well, fanboy is secretly making his own perfect graphic novel that he's sure to mark his success and his breakthrough to become famous and get him out of dark corner and into the limelight of fame and riches. One day he meets Goth Girl, Kyra Sellers, who changes him and help him with his graphic novel and she's a pretty badass girl, mysterious and all that. But I'd like you to read this, not me explain the whole storyline to you, which I half did already. Oopsie. In "Goth Girl Rising" also by Barry Lyga, if you've forgotten, is a sequel to the first book, and it's from Kyra's point of view. Kyra's just come back from being in a mental facility and going to therapy for 6 months. When she returns to South Brook High, she finds everything has changed while she was gone, Fanboy has become a hit around school and Schemata has been published in the school paper, and she's gotten furious that he would downgrade such work to the school paper. She's about to get her revenge on Fanboy, for ratting her out about the bullet, and she's confused about her feelings for him... =]]
It's a pretty interesting book. It drew me into the whole story, like it was real or something, and the girl's perspective is pretty true, for a guy to be writing the book. Lol, pretty good indeed. There are parts about suicide, cutting herself, like come on, she's a Goth. So this might catch your attention, you should try reading it. ^^

oh, hold up there,

i may be a fangirl-if you want to classify me as something.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

my first blog.

Well hello there. I'm....just call me Lulu for now. As you can see, this is my first blog and I've decided this is where I'll let out some steam...about many things. Okie dokes, I'm in high shool. I live in New York, it's pretty nice living in such a convenient place, no 2 mile drives to get to the god-damn convenience store for a good can of pepsi. So thank goodness for that. I like music, it keeps me going in life, it helps me out of depressions and gets me into depressions. We all need music, the sweet harmonious melodies, or that hardcore metal thrashing beats, sounds and screams. I like hardcore, metal, punk/rock, punk/pop, electronica, screamo, heavy metal. I absolutely love books. Especially fantasy books. Oh god i love them so much, like The Mortal Instruments books 1,2,&3 by Cassandra Clare [you should really check it out]. It's about shadowhunters, demons, half-angels, and this really badass hot guy, Jace. Oh yes, he's yummers alright. :) I like Twilight too, I'm not AS obsessed with it now than I was before, it's not AS great as it seems now. I am still into the Twilight series though, it's cool alright. I'm a junior and that's as much as I'll tell you about myself, iight? lol. ghetto moment there...we all have to do it sometimes, it's fun. But I really do hate those ghetto people, the people with their pants down low, all the way to the floor, lookin like a fool that way. Hehe, okay, okay, enough about ghetto people. I'm not from the hood, kay? I'm a typical teen girl, well not generic either. I have my interests, and my dislikes. I love my friends, though sometimes, i wish they were more true to themselves and others, and to me. I don't necessarily classify myself as a nerd [though I am in honors it doesn't really mean much only that we learn at a faster pace], punk, metal head, emo, or prep. I'm just going with the flow and loving my music and see where it takes me and help me shape who I am or who I want to be. I've recently had a change in music, but I've always liked rock--mainly Green Day and Avril Lavigne-- when I was a kid, but i see it as more as I have leaned more to that genre or type of music, so not much has changed, only that I listen to more hardcore stuff. I can keep writing but I think this is going no where, so I'll put up another post, this one's getting a bit long anyway...